Byron Food Hub

Friday, October 16, 2015

Just finished installing five separate 5kw systems for the Byron food Hub!
Another environmental project specialising in sustainable power production. It's good to see more commercial businesses switching over to environmentally friendly energy.

Also we are doing quite a few Lorentz pool pumps, these are ideal for our standalone customers who wish to have a pool!


Super Solar Cells

Thursday, June 18, 2015

At the centre of our solar system lies great power. The Sun bathes our tiny blue world with an immense amount of solar energy... many thousands of times the world's current energy usage. Exploiting solar makes so much sense. In space, solar power has been used for a long time. Satellites have advanced photovoltaic cells based not on silicon, like our rooftop cells, but on gallium arsenide. These are more efficient but generally too expensive for use on Earth.

But that may be changing.